Train Schedule

Stage 01: Weekend Only Schedule

To begin with, weekend only service would be provided with the train travelling northbound on Saturdays and southbound on Sundays. This would bring desperately needed service back to remote communities and businesses. A schedule will be determined bearing in mind what best meets the needs of travellers.

Stage 02: Trains Both Ways on Train Days

Real optimization of the Bear Train can only be achieved by having trains operating both ways on train days so people attending events or travelling to various destinations can be accommodated on the same days.


Operating trains both ways requires a second set of train equipment. A second train set would increase efficiency, ridership utilization of the service, and socio-economic impacts substantially, while not increasing the operational, maintenance or crew expenses. Some expenses actually decrease with this type of service schedule. As well, proper maintenance is much easier to support.

Depending on the results of the survey, a train schedule with departure and arrival hours will be determined at a later date.

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